Monday, January 2, 2012

My 1st and 2nd miracles in 2012

2012 is already shaping up to be an amazing year! I awoke this morning and stood on the scales, (documenting my weight and being strict was a New Year's goal, remember?) eager to write down my weight and formulate an action plan of fitness to kick start immediately… when I noticed I am already at my goal weight! The hard-yakka I put in for the last three weeks of 2011 paid off!! This was my miracle #1! I get to start the New Year at my goal weight and everyone knows maintenance is easier than achievement, in weight terms.

Elated, I paced impatiently back and forth, waiting for Will to get off the phone so I could tell him my great news… when he abruptly hung up the phone and announced our miracle #2: that our planned two week trip back to Australia in November is being extended to a WHOLE MONTH!! Conveniently, his boss needs him to go back over for work – so another bonus? His ticket will be on the company!!

I can hardly contain my excitement and am so grateful and happy that I could burst! This reiterates how important it is to implement LOA (attraction) practices every single day!


  1. How exciting to get to go home and spend some time. I know you must be so excited! Read your always, loved them! I am looking forward to seeing you soon and visiting. Tell BJ (Will)hello. Sounds as though you two are doing glad!

    Gail Goolsby

  2. Hi Gail! Thanks so much for continuing to read, I wish you knew how much it meant to me. :-)
    Yes, I can hardly wait to go home! Super excited!
    And we are eagerly anticipating M&E's wedding so that we can see you and spend some time together. Will is heading your way this weekend, but I have to work :-( my days of spontaneous travel seem behind me... but hopefully not for long!
    lots of love to you xo

  3. Fantastic News Lena! Really proud of you for achieving your goal and so glad you guys are coming out for a whole month! :o)
