Friday, January 13, 2012

Getting to know you

Over Christmas time, Will’s uncle Sean leant me a book on astrology called “Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs.” It describes the typical characteristics and traits of each signs’ woman, man, child, employee, boss – and I can’t put it down!

I’m now analyzing everyone I know based on their sign and frequently muttering “so true” as I turn a page. Everyone in my life from my parents, brother and husband to casual acquaintance and work colleague has been studied over the past fortnight – because thanks to Facebook, I know everyone’s birthday!

I am not exempt from my own analysis! Some of the horrible things brought to my attention about being an Aries are:

- we have very black and white opinions, no gray area: people are either good or bad (I am learning to curve this however!)

- and once we decide someone is bad – they typically don’t get another chance and stay bad forever (this is hard to change, but I’m working on this too!)

- if we’re mad at someone, those close to us have to take our side – or else we argue!

- we tend to “overload” periodically from society and seek solitude

- we’re not morning people

- we hate/ can’t abide routine: that includes our jobs, we can’t do 9-5’s

- sleeping problems, kidney problems, heart problems

- FIRE SIGN: our interest in places, people and things burn like hot fire and then go out again just as quickly once we’re bored – for this reason we struggle to commit to projects, assignments and people! We rarely see things through til the end

- impatient

- impulsive, impulsive, impulsive (gets me in trouble sometimes!)

Some of the things I love about being an Aries are:

- loyalty, honestly, complete faithfulness

- we would never stab someone in the back, since we tend to tell people exactly what we are thinking (even when we shouldn’t!)

- once we decide someone is a good person:

                        - there is no limit to what we do for them!

                        - we share 100% in friendship: money, our homes, clothes.. you name it 

                        - and never hold a grudge

                        - we don’t stay mad long

                        - we defend, protect them and always take their side

- we are creative and expressive.... some of the world’s most creative peeps were Arians including Vincent Van Gogh, Charlie Chaplin, Bach, Andrew Lloyd Webber, Quentin Tarantino , Elton John, Descartes, Hans C. Andersen , Harry Houdini and MANY more!... (if you want to see which famous people share your sign, check out: and search your sign.)

- impulsive, impulsive, impulsive (I love it also because my impulses are usually right!)

- can’t sit still, very active minded and seldom overweight

- not so much a love of travel as a constant need of change

- we are very spiritual and believe in miracles – because of our fervent belief, miracles tend to indeed happen to us Arians!

I have found this book and its “typical” descriptions of everyone in my life very accurate. If you’ve ever been curious about astrology, I’d recommend it! Now that everyone in my life has been analyzed (like the typical Aries I am), I am moving onto my next phase of interest: (and indecently the next book I’ve borrowed from Uncle Sean) the ancient astronaut theory.

But “Linda Goodman’s Sun Signs” will definitely be bought and filed on my bookshelf for instant reference as soon as a new person enters my life!


  1. Astrology can be uncannily accurate can't it. I also had a numerology report done for myself and for Peter and it was spot on as regards our early years and our character traits. Looking forward to the 'recognition of creative endeavours' it says will come my way this year.

    Happy New Year.

  2. That will be exciting, maybe it will be something about your published books? I will look forward to the news :-)

    Although I've never had a numerology report done, I also compared Will and I; our character traits etc before we married! hehe. Sagittarius and Aries are the perfect match! ... How did you and Peter go?

    Happy New Year to you as well; hope your home is full of love and joy xo

  3. Look, I agree... Looked up Taurus and apparently we're a pretty awesome bunch... albeit stubborn!

    1. Yep you sure are stubborn hehe! My book compares a Taurus with a rock in an ocean that gets smashed with heavy waves over and over! But it doesn't budge... I don't think this is a bad thing - especially about morality and conviction :) love u xo
