Wednesday, November 9, 2011


There really is something to be said for just feeling healthy!  I am so aware right now of how blessed I am and how grateful I should be for simply feeling good or functional most of the time!  Today I am sore literally all over - not like how people say that when they're exaggerating or complaining, but really! - my hands hurt, my head is splitting, my stomach, back, legs and feet!  If that's not all over then I don't know what is.

The reason I'm so sore is the same reason I've been such a recluse lately. My last post was almost two weeks ago and that was probably the last moment I had to just sit by myself and relax with a cuppa [that means cup of tea/ coffee to anyone who's not Aussie] while updating my blog. 

Ever since the last week of October, I have not stopped or slowed down for one second!  With so much going on, I need to make a list just to keep track of it all myself:
  1. As soon as we got home I had to start catching up on 3 weeks worth of dirty laundry - which was no mean feat by the way.  Will kept finding his dirty clothes in random places, like his office or the car, and adding to the pile daily!
  2. While our landlord has graciously allowed us to stay on indefinitely; our lease is now on borrowed time and we have been frantically searching for apartments in Midtown to move to.  That has meant perusing countless websites, meeting agents, trying to find the right one and visiting what feels like a hundred different properties in person.  This week is ultra stressful with me working and Will being out of town again!
  3. This week was in fact the start of my new job in fashion retail (and everything that comes with that - shopping for new shoes, clothes, reading induction manuals 1,000 pages long!). The hours have suprisingly turned out to be insane!  With an 'open shift' commencing at 8am, even though the store doesn't open until 10, and a 'close shift' ending at 11pm!! Even though the store closes at 9.  It's physically tough to transition from a job where I sat all day writing, to one where I'm lifting heavy things and running or standing all day long. (Hence the current aches and pains).
  4. On top of this, I've been desperately clasping at any free time to wrap up lingering writing assignments
  5. And to touch base with colleagues, friends and family in both Australia and Atlanta, so as to not offend anyone - but I feel like I'm failing miserably and letting people down left, right and centre!
All of this while dealing with a sore throat, temperamental fever and blocked nose!  I know it's not very Bourgeois of me, but I wish I could just lay down and be sick! 

PS:  Pumpkin status update:  I've stayed true to my word and tried everything pumpkin I could get my hands around.  Now I've stopped due to an expanding waistline and certain outfits no longer getting around me!  Pumpkin bread has turned out to be my favourite and I find I prefer the savoury pumpkin stuff; since everything sweet has 'pumpkin spice' added to it which is kind of a nutmeg/ cinnamon fusion that I find over-bearing after a while.

PPS:  The colours of autumn are well and truly surrounding the city and as soon as I get some time to myself, I will take to the streets - camera in hand - and take some pics of the multi coloured slendor

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