Thursday, December 29, 2011

New Years' Resolutions

I hate the word resolution!  No body ever sticks to them, but here is my list of GOALS for 2012 (with bonus pep-talks!):

+ try not to eat carbs – for they indeed are your enemy and you gain weight very fast when eating them!

+ religiously maintain new skincare regimen – you know how old you are, you don’t need to mention it online, but remember: IN 5 YEARS TIME YOUR SKIN WILL BE AS LEATHERY AND WRINKLY AS A PRUNE IF YOU DO NOT HEED THIS RESOLUTION!

+ walk Baxter EVERYDAY (unless raining, snowing or below 5 degrees outside) – no more using “I’m too tired” as an excuse, remember he is completely dependent on you and you need to be a better mum!

+ be in touch with Aus more often – BAD friend, BAD daughter, BAD sister!

+ write more

+ document weight/ fitness routine rigorously and hold yourself accountable – stay motivated, remember your metabolism isn’t what it was and that this is becoming a real issue for you!

+ try to be a better house-wife – yes cleaning sucks, and you’re pressed for time, but you never want to see those dust balls again (remember under couch when moving apartments)…

+ keep implementing “law of attraction” practices every day ~ it’s vital not to stop! (remember and be thankful for every miracle in 2011!)

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Girl meets boy

I seem to be daydreaming more and more as the date of my 2nd wedding anniversary approaches. It's strange to think as I sit here with the heater on, that I once belonged to a world where it is blistering hot this time of year. Summertime is in full (and scorching) swing in Australia and it was in summertime that I met Will. Scantily clad and sitting outside... I find myself grinning as I recall random, sweet and amazing moments of our almost three years together… like the night we met... (Queue the dream bubble)…

 Saturday, 21st February 2009:

It was 6pm in the evening when I arrived at my girlfriend’s, wearing my short, crocheted, white ROXY dress with the sparkles all over it; my hair in curls and makeup light. The sun was still out and I noticed him instantly as I made my way to the kitchen where my friend was preparing the evening’s sides. He sat outside in the patio adjacent the kitchen – visible from about 20 different windows and a large, glass sliding door – smoking his Marlboro lights and sipping a beer. He wore his trademark military cutoffs (an ever present ode to his time spent in the Marine Corps), a red hat with Atlanta’s A symbol and a black singlet.

There were other people there of course and we all got along well. Will and I didn't have any one-on-one chats, just joined in with the group; but throughout the evening my interest and opinion of him increased as I found him to be funny, educated and of course... almost unbearably... sexy. The usual bbq chit-chat lasted for the next 7 hours or so, and it was at about 2am that I realized Will and I were the only ones left sitting out there at that table in a Central Queensland backyard, under the Milky Way.

He had no idea of constellations or planets so we lay on the grass and I explained the galaxy's greenish glow and Venus, pointed out various star signs and symbols. We talked and talked until soon, we were watching the sky change colours into those purple-pink-yellowish hues that arrive just before dawn, and knew it was time to call it a night. Needless to say, I didn't sleep a wink that morning and left as soon as I could... terrified. Although I didn't know him from Adam, I did know that he was amazing.  And not at all like anyone else I'd ever met.

This terrified me because at that point in my life I was focused solely on my career. I had developed a cynicism towards men and relationships of any nature, with no interest in anything like that at all. Secretly and timidly, I read and re-read the Twilight series in bed each night - dreaming of an Edward Cullen of my own; but in reality, I was convinced there was only one place a man like that could ever exist; on paper.

In the short weeks that followed, Will proved me wrong. He turned out to be considerably more debonaire, dashing and romantic than old Ed Cullen. He was also persistent and constant, which a woman who'd been previously hurt needs. We spent every night for two months talking on the phone for hours; speaking of our families, achievements, failures, successes and dreams. I knew I loved him well before he met my parents in April; but I waited for him to tell me first. 

In September 2009, Will proposed on Scarborough Beach in Western Australia and on Dec 28th that same year, we married on the Central Queensland beach of Rydges resort.

I know from experience that there’s no such thing as rushing love. If it’s really love, then it seems that rushed is the only way to be! Every minute apart feels like agony and I know I couldn’t stand to be away from Will. Things like logic or caring for your own self cease to exist; from the moment you fall in love, your focus becomes all about your life TOGETHER and nurturing it so that it grows strong. It’s rare and sacred to find the one you’re meant for, but as soon as you do – you just know. Every thought of previous relationships makes you want to laugh aloud for all the time wasted and tears cried.  

Now, two years on, I recall the night we met and I realize every cliche' about love is true.  Especially: I love him more today then when we'd just met. 

A spring in my step

November went by in a hurried daze as I put my "nose down and bum up" working to attain a promotion, prepare for Christmas and pack up our apartment.  Upon receiving the news today that I have in fact received said promotion, things seem to have slowed down and I'm feeling happy and at peace with where I'm at.

 The accumulation of my decisions that have paid off are making me pleased with my reflection as I smile at myself in the mirror.  Those small changes I made weeks ago (like cutting carbs or switching to baby skin care products for the winter months) and those bigger and more recent ones (like our brand new apartment in Midtown and my promotion at work)...  have amounted to a spring in my step and an eager anticipation of the season's festivities.

 In my little family this is the busiest time of the year; it starts with Will's birthday on Saturday, then Christmas, then our wedding anniversary (which will be our second this year) and wrapped up with New Years Eve.  This year, however, we will be adding: work promotion and housewarming to the party list. 

I feel like the knowledge I've gained about the Law of Attraction this year should be celebrated too. It is absolutely the most valuable gift I could ever have received and has, without question, changed my life.  I remember how bleak my life seemed last Christmas; as I questioned my move, my life, future, career and well everything.  I never imagined how simple it would be to change my life through just thinking positive and trusting blindly.  I now sit smiling as I realise such a weight is lifted off my shoulders with God's words from the bible ringing in my ears: "Ask, believe and you shall receive."  My life has become proof of this very thing and I am grateful for everyone I meet, every experience I have and all of my amazing friends and family.  Merry Christmas xo